Implement of Substitution Boxes for DES Based Field Programming Gate Array and VHDL


  • jabbar Shatti jahlool Department of Computer Technique's Engineering, Dijlah University College Author


Nowadays the implementation of a cryptographic system based on traditional means is a late topic du to the development and multiplicity of detection methods, instruction and hacking. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to more modern methods, such as the use of programmable  digital electronic circuit like Filed Programable Logic Arrays (FPGAs). The objective of this paper is to design substitution  box (S-Box) for Data Encryption Standard (DES) using very high speed Hardware Description Language (VHDL). As a result, S-box VHDL code was designed and written then by using the capabilities of the Xilinx Design Suit ISE the design was checked analyzed, simulation and then a file called bit stream will be generated. The resulting file was download to the FPGA circuit and the equivalent physical digital circuit representing the S-box was obtained.

