The Interconnection of Open Systems Resolution of OSI Levels and the Dilemma of Discrete Energy in Security and Legal


  • oday almashhadani dijlah university college Author


OSI Level, Resolution, Challenge, Resource Security


The incorporation of technology into our everyday lives and medium-sized corporations has become obvious, as most businesses cannot operate without the use of technology. This has resulted in weaknesses and shortcomings in security. The layered protocol model of Open System Interconnection (OSI) divides networking duties into layers and specifies a collection of offerings for each component to be offered separately. The protocol's design allows services to be realized for various levels; however, no direct communication between nonadjacent layers is allowed because the architecture prohibits such an action; communication is also restricted to carrying out calls and replies between adjacent layers. The smart grid's expansion of distributed energy resources is increasing, causing solar distribution to extend network attack surfaces. As a result, there is a mismatch between implementation and adequate knowledge of security in communication needs. Nowadays, the literature lacks protocol level susceptibility, solution map, and assaults to all layers in the logic model, as in Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) stacks inside vendors sporting proprietary approaches to mitigate attack host. This paper examines the primary vulnerability, viable remedy, and attack level of wind and solar protocol. As a result, our study provides a starting point for vendors, utilities, aggregators, and new manufacturing investors to develop a basic understanding of the safety problem, which is a prerequisite for understanding securities requirements.


