Ant Colony Optimization With Lagrangian Relaxation For Cloud Computing Offloading Optimization


  • Lina Jamal Ibrahim1 Near East university, North Cyprus, Mersin-10, Turkey Author
  • Dr. Olusolade Aribake Fadare Near East university, North Cyprus, Mersin-10, Turkey Author
  • Prof. Dr. Fadi Al-Turjman Near East university, North Cyprus, Mersin-10, Turkey Author
  • Almuntadher ALwhelat Near East university, North Cyprus, Mersin-10, Turkey Author


Cloud computing Offloading optimization Ant Colony Optimization Lagrangian relaxation Latency minimization


This research introduces a new optimization method that combines Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) with Lagrangian relaxation to improve the efficiency of cloud computing offloading. The objective is to enhance the distribution of computing activities and data transfer between mobile devices and cloud servers in order to decrease latency and energy consumption. The ACO method is used to effectively explore the solution space, while Lagrangian relaxation is performed to address the equality requirements of the optimization problem. The experimental findings confirm the efficacy of the suggested methodology in obtaining substantial enhancements in performance when compared to conventional methods.

Author Biographies

  • Lina Jamal Ibrahim1, Near East university, North Cyprus, Mersin-10, Turkey

    Computer Engineering 

  • Dr. Olusolade Aribake Fadare , Near East university, North Cyprus, Mersin-10, Turkey

    Artificial Intelligence Department 

  • Prof. Dr. Fadi Al-Turjman , Near East university, North Cyprus, Mersin-10, Turkey

    Artificial Intelligence Department 

  • Almuntadher ALwhelat, Near East university, North Cyprus, Mersin-10, Turkey

    Computer Engineering 



2024-05-22 — Updated on 2024-05-22



